Reminder: Extended Returns Due

Tax return due

Reminder! The deadline for extended Partnership and S-Corporation tax returns is September 15. The deadline for extended Individual and calendar year-end C-Corporation and Benefit Plan tax returns is October 15. There are no extensions possible past these dates, unless you are in a qualified disaster area (read more about that here).

If you are an employer that still has a 2023 employer profit sharing or defined benefit contribution due, this full amount is also due by the extended due date.

Also remember that an extension to file does NOT mean an extension to pay. If you owe money with your tax return and you pay past the original deadline (March 15 for Partnerships and S-Corporations and April 15 for Individuals and calendar year-end C-Corporations), you may be subject to penalties and interest on the amount due.

You can try to avoid, or at least reduce, penalties and interest by paying in an estimated amount when you file your extension. If PPG Partners files your extension/tax returns, we would have informed you of any estimated taxes due when we extended your returns.

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