Exit Interviews for Employees Who Resign

Despite any unfortunate circumstances surrounding their resignation, you can get valuable information from employees who terminate their employment. If possible, have your Office Manager do an exit interview in the “11th hour” – on the employee’s last day, later in the day, before they walk out the door. This should help them feel they can be more honest, as they won’t fear negative repercussions for the remainder of their time there.
Have your Manager start the interview by assuring the employee that their participation is voluntary, but that the doctor(s) values both the good and bad of what they have to say.
Be sure to have them ask the following key questions:
- Why are you leaving?
- What did you enjoy most about working here?
- What did you like least about working here?
- How was your relationship with your supervisor?
From there your Office Manager could ask a variety of other questions, such as:
- How was your orientation/training?
- Does your job description accurately describe what you do?
- Do you think the technology here supports our needs?
- What can we do to get our staff to be more productive?
- Is the pay competitive?
- Is there anything I should know about that we haven’t covered here?
You can instruct your Office Manager to share with you and the other doctors/partners, as applicable, only what is alarming or requires investigation. There is no need to embarrass anyone if the employee was just criticizing a doctor’s work habits.